All commands list
This page lists all available narrat commands as well as usage examples.
Command | Example | Description |
talk | talk player idle "Hello everyone" | Makes a character talk in a specific pose |
think | think player idle "I wonder if they like me" | Makes a character think in a specific pose (think is the same as talk but without quotes around) |
narrate | narrate "Hello world" | Writing text without a command will print that text as if it was said "by the game", without a character |
text command (Empty command) | "Hello world" | Same thing as the narrate command, but shorter |
Basic program flow
Command | Example | Description |
jump | jump myLabel | Jumps to a label (stops current script) |
run | run myLabel [arg1] [arg2] [...] // Returns whatever the label returned, if anything | Runs a label as a function with optional arguments passed to it, then continues back where the script was |
return | return $test | Returns a value. Exits the current label and returns the first argument |
if | if $data.hasFood:"I have food, so we can eat a meal!"else:"We have nothing to eat" | Runs a condition on the passed value. If the condition is true, the first branch is run. Otherwise, an optional else: branch can be provided for what to run when the condition fails |
Command | Example | Description |
choice | choice:"Would you like tea?""Yes":"Your friend serves you a cup of tea""No":"Your friend makes tea for themselves" | Lets the player choose between two or more options. See the linked documentation for more info. |
text_field | text_field "A prompt text" | Creates a text field for the player to enter text with a prompt. Returns the text entered |
Logic operators and conditions
Command | Example | Description |
== ,> , < , <= , >= , != | == 5 5 // Returns true | Comparison operators to check if things are equal/unequal/lower than/etc |
! | if (! $data.doorOpen):"The door is closed" | Negates a value |
&&, || | if (|| $data.doorOpen $data.hasKey): | And and Or logical operators |
? | var isDead (? (<= $ 0) true : false) | Ternary operator |
Math and arithmetic
Command | Example | Description |
+ | + 1 2 // Returns 3 | Adds numbers passed as arguments |
- | - 2 1 // Returns 1 | Substracts the first number passed with the others |
* | * 2 3 // Returns 6 | Multiplies the numbers together |
/ | / 1 2 // Returns 0.5 | Divides the first number by the others, in sequence |
min | min 100 50 // Returns 50 | Returns the smallest value passed |
max | max 50 100 // Returns 100 | Returns the highest value passed |
clamp | clamp 0 100 $data.playerHealth If playerHealth is below 0, return 0. If playerHealth is between 0 and 100, returns it. If playerHealth is over 100, returns 100 | Returns the third value passed, constrained between a minimum and maximum value passed as the first two parameters |
floor | floor 0.75 // Returns 0 | Rounds a number, rounding down |
ceil | ceil 0.25 // Returns 1 | Rounds a number, rounding up |
round | round 0.5 // Returns 1 | Rounds a number to the nearest integer |
sqrt | sqrt 4 // Returns 2 | Returns the square root of a number |
^ | ^ 3 2 // Returns 9 | Returns the first number to the power of the second number |
Command | Example | Description |
play | play music myMusic [channel] | Plays the music myMusic in the mode music (possible modes: music , ambiance, sound), with an optional channel number |
pause | pause music [channel] | Pauses a music mode with an optional channel number |
[resume]((audio/ / | resume music [channel] | Resumes a music mode with an optional channel number |
stop | stop music [channel] | Same as pause but stops |
Command | Example | Description |
add_item | add_item bread 1 | Adds an amount of an item to the player |
remove_item | remove_item bread 1 | Removes an amount of an item |
has_item? | if (has_item? bread 1):"Let's eat bread!" | Returns true if there is enough of the item |
item_amount? | item_amount? bread // returns the amount of bread | Returns the amount of an item the player has |
enable_interaction | enable_interaction mytag | Enables an interaction tag (see docs) |
disable_interaction | disable_interaction mytag | Disables an interaction tag (see docs) |
Command | Example | Description |
unlock_achievement | unlock_achievement win_game | Unlocks an achievement |
has_achievement? | set data.hasWon (has_achievement? win_game) | Returns true if the player has the passed achievement, otherwise false |
Command | Example | Description |
notify | notify "Hello world" | Adds a notification to the game |
disable_notifications | disable_notifications | Disables all notifications |
enable_notifications | enable_notifications | Enables notifications |
Command | Example | Description |
start_quest | start_quest myQuest | Starts a quest |
complete_quest | complete_quest myQuest | Completes a quest |
[`start_objective`](../features/ | start_objective myQuest myObjective | Starts an objective in a quest (useful for quests with hidden objectives) |
complete_objective | complete_objective myQuest myObjective | Completes an objective |
quest_completed? | quest_completed? myQuest // returns true or false | Check if a quest is completed |
objective_completed? | objective_completed? myQuest myObjective //returns true or false | Check if a quest objective is completed |
quest_started? | quest_started? myQuest // Returns true or false | Check if a quest is started |
objective_started? | objective_started? myQuest myObjective // Returns true or false | Check if a quest objective is started |
Command | Example | Description |
random | random 0 100 // Returns a random integer between 0 and 100 | Returns a random integer between two numbers passed (inclusive) |
random_float | random_float 0 100 // Returns a random float between 0 and 100 | Returns a random float between two numbers passed (inclusive) |
random_from_args | random_from_args 1 2 3 4 5 // Returns a random argument passed | Returns a random argument passed |
random_from_array | random_from_array $data.myArray // Returns a random element from the array | Returns a random element from an array |
Viewport screen and buttons
Command | Example | Description |
set_screen | set_screen myScreen [layer] | Sets the screen to a screen with the given ID with an optional layer number (default 0) |
empty_layer | empty_layer 0 | Removes all items from a layer |
set_button | set_button myButton true | changes the value of a button (true, false, hidden) ID |
Command | Example | Description |
set | set data.playerHealth 100 | Sets a variable to a value |
add | add data.playerHealth 10 | Adds a value to a variable |
var | var test 3 | Declares a local variable with a value. The variable will only exist in the current label and will stop existing once the label is exited. |
Command | Example | Description |
add_level | add_level agility 1 | Adds levels to a skill |
set_level | set_level agility 1 | Sets the level of a skill |
add_xp | add_xp agility 10 | Adds experience to a skill |
get_level | get_level agility | Gets the level of a skill |
get_xp | get_xp agility | Gets the experience of a skill |
roll | roll mySkillCheck agility 50 // Returns true or false | Runs a skill check with a certain difficulty against a skill dice |
get_skill_check | get_skill_check mySkillCheck // Returns a skill check's state | Gets the result of a skill check (object with happened , succeeded , and hidden booleans) |
skill_check_result | skill_check_result mySkillCheck // Returns true or false | Gets the result of a skill check as boolean |
reset_roll | reset_roll mySkillCheck | Resets a skill check |
Command | Example | Description |
add_stat | add_stat myStat 10 | Adds a value to a stat |
set_stat | set_stat myStat 10 | Sets a stat to a value |
get_stat_value | get_stat_value myStat | Gets the value of a stat |
show_hud | show_hud | Shows the HUD |
hide_hud | hide_hud | Hides the HUD |
Imagine $data.myArray contains an array with [25, 50, 75]
Command | Example | Description |
new | set data.myArray (new Array) | Creates an array |
push | push $data.myArray 100 | Adds a value at the end of an array |
pop | pop $data.myArray // Returns 100 | Removes the last value of an array, returning it |
shift | shift $data.myArray // Returns 25 | Removes the first value of an array, returning it |
array_join | array_join $data.myArray ", " // Returns "25, 50, 75" | Joins an array into a string, with the first parameter being the separator to use |
array_concat | array_concat $data.myArray $data.myArray2 // Returns [25, 50, 75, 100, 125] | Concatenates two arrays |
includes | includes $data.myArray 25 // Returns true | Checks if an array includes a value |
reverse | reverse $data.myArray // Returns [75, 50, 25] | Reverses an array |
slice | slice $data.myArray 1 2 // Returns [50, 75] | Returns a slice of an array, with the first parameter being the start index and the second being the end index |
splice | splice $data.myArray 1 2 // Returns [50, 75] | Removes a slice of an array, with the first parameter being the start index and the second being the number of elements to remove. Returns the sliced elements |
random_from_array | random_from_array $data.myArray // Returns a random element from the array | Returns a random element from an array |
shuffle | shuffle $data.myArray // Returns a shuffled array | Shuffles an array |
entries | entries $data.myArray // Returns [[0, 25], [1, 50], [2, 75]] | Returns an array of arrays, each containing the index and value of the original array's elements |
Array transformation functions
Those functions loop through arrays to perform an operation on each element. Most of them take a predicate
parameter, which should be the name of a narrat label that will be called on each element.
The predicate gets given three parameters:
: The array element for the current iterationindex
: The index of the current iterationarray
: The array being iterated over
Some of those functions may take different parameters though.
var simple (new Array "a" "b" "c" "d")
var index (array_find_index $simple test_find)
"Index: %{$index}"
var mapped_array (array_map $simple test_map)
var concatenated (array_join $mapped_array ", ")
"Concatenated: %{$concatenated}"
test_forEach element index array:
"For each: %{$element} %{$index} %{$array}"
test_find element index array:
if (== $element "c"):
return true
return false
test_map element index array:
return (concat $element " mapped")
Most of those functions have an API based on similar JavaScript equivalents, which you can find on the MDN documentation.
Command | Example | Description |
array_find_index | var index (array_find_index $array test_find) | Will run the test_find label with values passed from the array until it returns true, at which point it will return that index. If nothing is found, it will return -1 |
array_find | var element (array_find $array test_find) | Will run the test_find label with values passed from the array until it returns true, at which point it will return that element. If nothing is found, it will return null |
array_filter | var filtered (array_filter $array test_filter) | Will run the test_filter label with values passed from the array. Every element for which test_filter returns true will be added to the new result array that gets returned at the end |
array_map | var mapped (array_map $array test_map) | Will run the test_map label with values passed from the array. A new resulting array is created which gets as values the return values of test_map passed for each element |
array_reduce | var reduced (array_reduce $array test_reduce 0) | Will run the test_reduce label with values passed from the array. Before the element, index and array parameters the test_reduce function will reduce the current accumulated reduced value, starting with the initial value passed in the initial call (0 here) |
array_some | var some (array_some $array test_some) | Will run the test_some label with values passed from the array. If any of the calls to test_some return true, the function will return true. If none of them do, it will return false |
array_every | var every (array_every $array test_every) | Will run the test_every label with values passed from the array. If all of the calls to test_every return true, the function will return true. If any of them don't, it will return false |
Object Commands
imagine we have the following object:
var test_object (new Object)
set test_object.a "hello"
set test_object.b "world"
Command | Example | Description |
object_keys | var keys (object_keys $array) | Returns an array with the keys in the object. In this case would return ["a", "b"] |
object_values | var values (object_values $array) | Returns an array with the values in the object. In this case would return ["hello", "world"] |
object_entries | var entries (object_entries $array) | Returns an array with the entries in the object. In this case would return [["a", "hello"], ["b", "world"]] |
object_has | var has (object_has $array "a") | Returns true if the object has the given key, false otherwise |
For loop commands
Narrat doesn't have proper support for loops yet, but those two commands can help give similar functionality (they work on both arrays and objects).
Imagine we have the following test array:
var test_array (new Array "a" "b" "c" "d")
do_things element:
"Element: %{$element}"
Command | Example | Description |
for_of | for_of $test_array do_things | Will run the do_things label once for each element in the array, passing the element as the first property. This one iterates over values |
for_in | for_in $test_array do_things | Will run the do_things label once for each element in the array, passing the index (or key if an object) as the first property. This one iterates over keys |
Command | Example | Description |
time_now | var now (time_now) // returns current time in ms | Returns the current unix timestamp in miliseconds |
total_playtime | var time_played (total_playtime) | Returns the current total playtime for this save file |
session_playtime | var time_played (session_playtime) | Returns the current session playtime |
to_days | var days (to_days 100000) | Converts a time in ms to days |
to_hours | var hours (to_hours 100000) | Converts a time in ms to hours |
to_minutes | var minutes (to_minutes 100000) | Converts a time in ms to minutes |
to_seconds | var seconds (to_seconds 100000) | Converts a time in ms to seconds |
Command | Example | Description |
concat | concat "Hello" "World" | Concatenates two or more strings |
join | join ", " "Hello" "World" | Joins x strings, with the first character being the join string between them |
str_search | var result (str_search "Hello world" "world") | Searches for a substring in a string and returns the index of the first occurrence. Returns -1 if not found. |
regex_search | var result (regex_search "Hello world" "world") | Searches for a regex pattern in a string and returns the index of the first occurrence. Returns -1 if not found. |
Screen Objects
See Dynamic sprites and text documentation for info on how to use screen objects.
Command | Example | Description |
create_sprite | create_sprite img/character.png 55 125 | Creates a sprite using an image at a position |
create_object | create_object 55 125 | Creates an object at a position |
delete_sprite | delete_sprite $mySprite | Deletes a sprite (stored in a variable) |
empty_sprites | empty_sprites [optional layer number] | Deletes all sprites, on specified layer or all layers if no layer is passed |
It is possible to change which character is used by the player (which is used when making choices). See the changing player character feature docs for more info.
Command | Example | Description |
change_player_character | change_player_character player_2 | Will use player_2 as the character for the player's words in choices etc. |
change_game_character | change_game_character game_2 | Changes the default character used to represent the game (by default is a character with no name) |
command | example | description |
clear_dialog | clear_dialog | Clears the dialog panel |
log | log "what's the value of test? %{test}" // Will print this log in the console | Prints a log in the browser developer tools. Useful for debugging or checking variable values |
menu_return | menu_return | Exits the game and returns to the main menu |
save | save [save file name] | Opens the manual save screen for the player to save the game (optional parameter for the name of the save file, useful to pass the name of the level/chapter for example) |
reset_global_save | reset_global_save | Resets the global part of the save |
save_prompt | save_prompt [save file name] | Same as save, but asks the user if they want to save first |
wait | wait 500 | Makes the script pause for x milliseconds |
load_data | set data.myData (load_data data/myDataFile.yaml) | Loads data from the data file path passed and returns it |